Things I Wish I Knew When I Started in Accessibility

Session Description

Billy Gregory asked that question to over 20 recognizable voices in the accessibility field. Their answers to this question, combined with Billy’s own experiences, make the perfect launching point for anyone new to the space. This informative, and engaging, three-part talk will include examples from Billy’s experiences in the Digital Accessibility space through all stages of his career, highlighting both his successes and his failures. Audience participation will be encouraged to give attendees an opportunity to share their own experiences or concerns about entering the digital accessibility space. Knowing first hand how difficult accessibility can be for someone who is new, Billy aims to nurture their passion and boost their confidence by sharing some important lessons he wished he knew when he was starting out.

User level

All attendees are welcome to come to this session but the ones that will likely benefit the most are developers & designers.


No prerequisites required to attend this session. Just bring your laptop, your smile & willingness to learn!
