WordPress Upgrade Anxiety No More: 5 Steps to Having a No Surprise Upgrade

Session Description

WordPress upgrades, they bring us new features, faster sites, and better security. But pushing that upgrade button can be a scary moment, unless you’ve ensured your site is ready and compatible. I’ll show you the best practices for ensuring your site is ready including a simple strategy that works whether you manage one site or hundreds.

Learning Outcomes

• Understand the important of keeping WordPress upgraded.
• Create a 5 step test plan to ensure their site is ready to upgrade.
• Test their sites on beta and Release Candidates to provide feedback to the community.

User level

All attendees are welcome to come to this session but the ones that will likely benefit the most are beginner & advanced users & developers of WordPress.


The technical knowledge required to understand this session is to know that WordPress has upgrades and how to install a plugin.
